Individual consumers

美 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl kənˈsumərz]英 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl kənˈsjuːməz]
  • 网络个人消费者;个体消费者
Individual consumersIndividual consumers
  1. The latter requires a greater degree of after sales support than do sales to individual consumers .


  2. Individual consumers are mainly consuming sports service products while business consumers are mainly consuming sports intangible assets .


  3. Providing the testing service to the individual consumers .


  4. Examples of account management for individual consumers can be found in insurance , investment management , and medical services .


  5. The individual consumers are in an inferior position while facing the preponderant telecommunication enterprises .


  6. Is there any way that individual consumers can treat the reserve capacity through a decentralized decision making approach ?


  7. After years of waiting , China 's individual consumers now have an opportunity to own eco-friendly electric vehicles .


  8. Therefore , B2C between enterprises and individual consumers can not get a rapid development in China without the participation of China Post .


  9. As for the network television industry , its mainly core resources of cultural content products is followed by individual consumers database of the future .


  10. By making purchasing decisions towards energy efficient and low carbon emission products , individual consumers can have a big impact on the market .


  11. Essentially , the company is attempting to use nanotechnology to cater a food 's taste to individual consumers .


  12. And ( 3 ) individual consumers are more willing to pay the higher priced Koa gift basket .


  13. Virtual currency trading divides into two types : one happens between the issue subject and the economic ; the other is between individual consumers .


  14. By comparison , only a fifth of Dell 's sales , and barely any profits , come from individual consumers .


  15. For major corporations , such ads are also a way to reach individual consumers with that crowd-pleasing notion of helping main street .


  16. By combining demands of individual consumers and supplies of individual producers , the discussion so far has focused on the competitive industry as a whole .


  17. Combat declines in the efficacy of advertising through traditional broadcast media , and exploit social networking technology to converse in detail with individual consumers .


  18. The out-of-market circulation is a process in which agricultural products are directly turned to retailers , group or individual consumers instead of wholesale markets .


  19. Consumers the right to sue individual consumers have the right to sue to the court of eligibility when the infringement by monopolistic behavior .


  20. The heart of the Web , he said , will be commerce , and the heart of commerce will be corporate America serving custom products to individual consumers .


  21. Many economists have arguedthat even if individual consumers suffer from bounded rationality , markets will be set right by specialists who can figure out even the most complex problem .


  22. With regard to gold , silver , jewelry , pearl and jade processed on order of individual consumers , consumption tax may temporarily be levied in light of processing charges .


  23. Students of higher education market consumer is the vulnerable groups , accord with the consumer rights and interests protects a law " the protection living consumption relationship disadvantaged individual consumers " purpose of the legislation .


  24. At present , the main consumer lawsuits filed by individual consumers and consumer groups did not apply to the arbitration procedures , the existing legal system no longer meet the practical needs of consumers rights .


  25. Rightly : the barrister who makes the best case for a guilty client is an advocate , but a regulatory agency should champion the interests of consumers overall rather than individual consumers .


  26. According to the above analysis of internal and external environment , the paper take the enterprise and individual consumers in inside and outside province , developed region , as target markets , then defined the product positioning and target market model .


  27. Uxin , which operates used-car auction websites in China that focus on dealers and businesses , said Wednesday that it would use the funds to expand a new website and mobile app aiming at individual consumers .


  28. Furthermore , the legal system that monitors this credit system need to first establish a clear people-centered mindset , which has a clarified purpose of serving individual consumers , and places the protection of individuals in as top priority .


  29. Though it 's not currently aimed at individual consumers , it 's likely that one day music fans could get a version of it , and wonder why we wasted all our time on such useless gadgets as iPods and hard drives .


  30. Cochrane claimed that inventing the machine was nowhere near as hard as promoting it . At first , the Cochrane dishwasher tanked with individual consumers , as many households lacked the hot water heaters necessary to run it , and those that had the capacity balked at paying for something that housewives did for free .
